Shifting Into the Next Phase

A few days ago I finalized the steps to sign up for our Pre-Cana Marriage Prep class that we are going to take on November 8th. So the countdown is in full force- just 2 and a half weeks until I get to see my man!! I feel that time is speeding up, weeks are whizzing past, this whole year has seemed to have gone by like a dream in the night… Thanksgiving will mark one year officially since my move. Memories of that awful day I had to say goodbye and pull out of the driveway in a U-haul with my brother- I haven’t visited them in 11 months. I haven’t wanted to.

But now, in the light of all that has transpired in the course of our LDR, considering all that we’ve learned, endured, and grown, I can say I am grateful for that day. That choice. That leap of faith. I recall the pain and it is like a happy child that fell down, scraped his knee, cried it out, and eventually moved on. I know we are free of the past. Sure, every day is a mental obstacle course and a spiritual battleground, every day we have to move ever onward. But there is change in the air, I can taste it. Very soon, we will be shifting into the next level of change again, and face a whole set of new trials that go along with this phase. These trials, however, are not between us like a chasm of unknown, causing us to doubt our ability to cross them and find each other again, but rather they are a familiar hall of doors, and we are walking hand-in-hand through each one.

About Rebekah

Resting in the love of God, baking bread for the people, drawing one another together in contemplative living.
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